“No is a perfectly good answer.” – Debbie Weiss
"Just like in marriage, scorekeeping is not the way to go about life." – Chris Tuff
“Having a fantastic relationship is a learnable skill.” – Dr. Alexandra Stockwell
“People use the scriptures to get married but they don’t use it to stay married.” – Larkin Weber
“The worse thing you can do is give people a message and not give them what the next steps are.” - B. Keith Haney
“Keep going and don’t stop because you don’t know where you’re going to land.” - Pennie Crockett
“Don’t wish away whatever stage of life you are in.” – Crystal Gilbert
Connect before you correct.
“A meaningful purpose always involves supporting other people.” – Barry Braun
“If you want to be successful in business or in life, you have to be successful in cultivating your professional and personal relationships.” – Morag Barrett
“Be the person who illuminates.” - Susan RoAne
“Whenever you remind someone of their value, you increase your own value.” - Dr. Joseph Shrand
“Great communication and great connection produces a greater level of intimacy.” - LaQuita Monley
“Just be you. There is nothing wrong with you.” – Griselda Beck
“Whatever God puts you through is designed to help you grow and become a better person.” - Margaret Agard Today’s featured award-winning author is mom, wife, Christian mystic, former high-tech industry executive, and Reiki Le...