“Most people think that mentors don't get anything out of it, but if you've ever given someone a gift that they've unwrapped and they have really loved it, it's exactly what they wanted and needed, the joy that you feel—that's what mentoring feels like.” – Dr. Deborah Heiser
“The doctors said my son might never walk or talk, but today he made two baskets at his basketball game. He’s the passion behind what I do every day.” – Jeaneen Tang
“I don’t think you have to sacrifice your confidence, or your wit, or your intelligence, or God forbid your masculinity at the door simply because you're being fun and gregarious.” – Scot McKay
“Own where you are at the moment.” – J.R. Martinez
“When things are in your head, you're thinking about them. You know, you come to conclusions about things, but when it's outside of you and you're looking at it, it becomes more objective.” – Dana Diaz
“Once I started making six figures working from home, I said, 'Hey, there's no turning back. I'm never going back into an office.” - Naresh Vissa
“There are no limits. If you're still alive, no matter what you’ve been through, God (Source, Creation) has not finished with you yet.” - Melanie Tonia Evans
"I was meant to be given this gift to share for others to heal. My challenge was cancer, but everybody has a challenge, whether it's death, divorce, changing careers, disease, and it's all meant for our own healing.” – Jennifer Greenhut
“I speak very vividly in the book about redemption, because my dad at one point did seek redemption, and God did give it to him. God gives everybody a second chance and he took it.” – Felicity Nicole
"Luck is the ability to take the correct action in an opportunity." - Victoria M. Gallagher
“Business leaders or organizational leaders tend to think that the goal of appreciation is just to make people feel good…and that's good. We want that to happen. But really, the main goal is to create a functional, effective organization.” – Dr. Paul White
"Equality in the realm of relationships is the kiss of death.” - Andre Paradis
"True love is willing to sit down and have an honest and diplomatic conversation about what you're actually feeling and thinking." - Angeline M. Hart
“If you're having a bad day, just have a great conversation. It costs nothing and anyone can do it." - Robin Dreeke
“Honor the environment that you’re in.” - Katherine Lazaruk