"I distinctly remember at one point, I wasn't really praying in a dedicated prayer space, but I said, 'Alright, God, I don't think I have a story, but you called me to this, so let me just start writing and see what comes out.'" – Amy Vogel
"We all can do things that people think are impossible.” – Owen Rex Daughtry
"If you don't define to yourself what your goals are, you're going to end up serving someone else's goals, and that happens to a lot of people." – Dr. Michelle Rozen
“Every breakthrough I've ever had in my whole life came from effective communication.” – Aurora Winter
"I was quiet and not wanting to share because it was some tragedy that happened in my life, and I didn't want to remember that. And looking back on that now, 12 plus years later, after that decade of silence, so to speak, I realized that this is God's story that he specifically gave to me." – Morga…
“When you really understand how to program your mind, the amount of being able to just enjoy life is incredible.” – Brandy Gillmore
“Once I started making six figures working from home, I said, 'Hey, there's no turning back. I'm never going back into an office.” - Naresh Vissa
"Storytelling helps the data go down." – Park Howell
"Every setback is just another setup for something bigger, something better." – Heather Gidusko
"As human beings, it's our responsibility to help each other. It's not a choice, it's a responsibility.” – Dr. Amani Ballour
“As an entrepreneur, if you can bring people into your world and make them feel seen and heard. It's going to be really, really helpful.” - Heather Vickery
“If you can start, you're ahead of 90% of authors who have an idea and never do a d*mn thing with it. Just start.” - Henna Pryor
"The most successful businesses are the ones that keep humanity in the mix." – Ben Gioia
"Instead of complaining, though it felt good to complain and moan and groan and kind of wallow in our misery of not getting published, we decided to sort of funnel that energy into something positive." – Rachael Mitchell
“Don't carry into tomorrow the things that have hurt you and weighed you down for today. Learn, take from it what you need, but let the rest go. You're too precious and too valuable to have your back broken by burdens you are not meant to bear." – Katherine Norland