“Don’t let fear masquerade as wisdom.” – Angel Aviles
“Our healing and our ability to move forward is in having the hard conversation.” – Dr. Brad Johnson
“Have ready access to forgiveness, compassion, and grace.” – Darcy Luoma
“Sometimes you get laid off, but you can also be lifted up.” – Tiana Sanchez
“Dominate in your own journey.” - Dr. Angela Wilson, DTM
“We all can make the world a better place by taking calculated risk.” - Vladimir Adonis
“To become invincible is to have hope.” – Cecilia Rankin
Take care of your body and it will take care of you.
“We need to treat ourselves like someone we love.” – Pamela Gort
“When I train people, my job is to make it too expensive for them to go to work anymore.” – Tom Antion
“Give yourself the gift of solitude to masterfully serve the multitude.” – Dom Brightmon
“Whatever you create, make it good art because somebody is going to find it and somebody is going to fall in love with it.” – Terry Shepherd
“You can’t choose your obstacles, but you can choose how you respond to them.” - Elizabeth Meyers
“We can’t limit God, but we can limit ourselves and what we will receive from God.” – Pastor Travis Hall
“Success does not overnight, it happens over time.” – Dr. Eric Holmes