“When you really understand how to program your mind, the amount of being able to just enjoy life is incredible.” – Brandy Gillmore
" When you're eating for emotional reasons, you're eating because you're escaping how you feel." – Molly Zemek
"Sometimes it's not what you say, it's just being there." - June Kraholik Collins
“Remember how powerful you are and that you really can do anything you decide is important enough and achieve whatever you deem worthy.” – Kate Eckman
“Fat is God's most amazing fuel source.” – Dr. Cody Golman, D.C.
“I've learned over the years to accept my imperfections and to just continue going forward.” – Kelly Majdan
"You are far more powerful than you've been told. We have a sense of powerlessness now…I just want you to know that this power, which is usually denied by authority figures, is something you were born with." - Lynne McTaggart
“After speaking to the teacher…she made me realize that it is possible, just as long as I'm willing to keep honing my craft, taking rejections well, and just keep going.” – Liv Arnold
"I was meant to be given this gift to share for others to heal. My challenge was cancer, but everybody has a challenge, whether it's death, divorce, changing careers, disease, and it's all meant for our own healing.” – Jennifer Greenhut
"I'm only positive because I got knocked down so hard a few different times in my life.” – Kate McKay
“It doesn't have to take a long time. You just have to address the right problem in the right way.” - Mandy Barbee Lanier
“You are worth every single minute you put into yourself and your health” – Pam Sherman
"I knew that if in that darkest moment, if I was going to be kept alive, there was a reason for it, and I knew life wasn't going to be what it had always been, it wasn't going to be this painful thing.” – Amanda Blackwood
“Being a caregiver is somewhat like being Sherlock Holmes, being a detective and having to figure out and through the process of elimination, narrowed down what's bothering them, what they need or what they want.” – Lisa Skinner
"Grief is love and when it's really love, it doesn't go away just because somebody dies." - Emily Thiroux Threatt