“If you're not thinking about the fifth quarter when your child is at the collegiate level, you're thinking about the wrong thing…You should be thinking about life after sports. How is this decision for us to go to this particular school going to affect my son or daughter once the ball stops bounci…
“The stories can either bind us, or we can use them to create magic.” – Judy Koons
“The doctors said my son might never walk or talk, but today he made two baskets at his basketball game. He’s the passion behind what I do every day.” – Jeaneen Tang
“Anytime you have a negative emotion, it's coming from the meaning you're giving the events, not the events.” – Shelly Lefkoe
“I believe that my illness was a part of my spiritual path because if not for my illness, I wouldn't have become who I am right now.” – Dr. Irina Webster
“Inside my pain was my life purpose. I had to go and heal myself, and inside that healing was my life purpose.” – Gina Cavalier
“I share our story so that this hopefully never happens to another family. I'd like to raise awareness, and I don't think that we can learn without sharing stories.” – Betsy Gall
“I realized that I'm stronger than I thought I was, more resilient than I believed, and even though life brings me down, I'm still here and still smiling.” – Cathelina Duvert
“I promised myself during that moment when I wasn't really sure if I was going to make it or not. I thought to myself, you know, if I make this out alive, then I have to write a book about it.” – Dr. Momoko Uno
“If you want better sleep, treat yourself right. Be your own best friend.” – Dr. Stacey Duckett
“That experience of being an outsider and someone that doesn't fit in is like the key to absolute success and making it in life if you know how to channel it.” – Haleh Rabizadeh Resnick
"We all can do things that people think are impossible.” – Owen Rex Daughtry
“Slow down and appreciate every single moment and every interaction you have.” – Dr. Michelle Maidenberg
“Everyone really has the ability to be their healthiest and their happiest. And it can be enjoyable to get there.” – Deborah Charnes
“The physical body affects the mental body, and the mental body affects the physical body. They're connected.” - Brigitte Mars