“Beta readers and editors are worth their weight in gold.” – Helen Starbuck
“I would rather die of thirst than drink from the cup of mediocrity.” – Becky Paroz
“Anybody that has a desire to write can write a good book with the right guidance.” - Michele Chynoweth
“You can’t put a black and white roadmap on grief.” – Emily Johnson
“If I surprise myself, then I’m going to surprise my readers.” - Robert P. French Today’s featured bestselling author is a former computer geek turned actor, Robert P. French. Robert and I chat about his thriller crime fictio...
“In writing, you find your voice.” – Donna Conrad
Writing is amazing and can be done at almost any age.
“Email is for closers.” – Cat Rambo
“Make your dream part of your schedule.” – Kelly Hopkins
“I was a good person, but I wasn’t being good to myself.” – Sharla Charpentier
“Stay true to your own voice as an author.” – Anna J. Walner
“Writing is visualizing.” – Wendy Scheuring
“No two authors out there have the same pathway to being published or successful.” – Kristi Charish
“Adulting is overrated.” - Gregory Erich Phillips
“Work aggressively but be patient.” - Connor Judson Garrett