We all need a mortality check from time to time to get our stories out there.
“You can have a great twist, you can have a scary atmosphere, but it’s the characters that you have to bring to life in order for a book to work.” - Jerry Roth
“If you’re not reinventing yourself, if you’re not looking on the horizon, you’re in danger of being left behind.” - Charles Breakfield
When we find something that connects us, those things that separate us can become unimportant.
“The biggest danger with cybercrime is overconfidence.” - Robert Kerbeck
Be bold and continuously get better at your craft.
“You don’t have to be “the boss” to be a leader.” – Brad Dude
Breathe and believe in yourself.
“You can turn any story into a comic and it’s just a stone’s throw away from film.” - Morgan Quaid
“Let your nerd flag fly.” - J. Lynn Else
Listen to your inner voice.
“Be open to exploring and not overplanning.” - Carrie Carter
“Fear is one of the greatest barriers that we have.” – Shiva Kumar
“Humor is my drug of choice.” – Liz Alterman
“Diversify your ideas.” – Violet Lemay