“Being forced to talk to other people allowed me to find this other part of myself that I didn't know existed.” – Kirsten Rudberg
“Once I was clear on my purpose, my writer's purpose, and what the goal is for this book, everything fell into place.” – Jean Burgess, PhD
"We're a society of people that, in general, try to help other people, and that makes us very vulnerable." - Rox Burkey
"When you start to write, you're almost opening up this magic chest, gaining access to different parts of your brain that may not be available to you when you're speaking." - Lâle Davidson
"I just started writing and next thing you know I have a manuscript in front of me." - Marianna Buffolino
“After speaking to the teacher…she made me realize that it is possible, just as long as I'm willing to keep honing my craft, taking rejections well, and just keep going.” – Liv Arnold
"Fantasy is really healthy for the imagination…it allows people to escape and allows them to think of something different.” – Cyndi Brec
“As a writer, if you want to have a book published, you really need to decide and go with that choice of 'I'm going to make this happen.’” – Caroline Fernandez
“Books are such a powerful thing. Whether it's nonfiction or fiction, it's a way of seeing into the universe that you wouldn't have seen before.” – Zoë Routh
“Morning pages saved my writing life.” - Liz Mugavero
"Working hard and really putting in the effort and training yourself to be what you want to be can yield the results that you want." – Steph Katzovi
"Your story might be the lifeline someone out there needs." – Tyler Wittkofsky
"I knew that if in that darkest moment, if I was going to be kept alive, there was a reason for it, and I knew life wasn't going to be what it had always been, it wasn't going to be this painful thing.” – Amanda Blackwood
“Writing is kind of mixing the genres and seeing what kind of new things you can think of.” – Luna Rey Hall
Have fun and be determined.