“No one’s immune from going through tough things.” - Chip Baker
Avoid becoming a passive consumer and become a proactive emulator. Today's featured bestselling author is fellow podcast host and TEDx speaker, Scott H. Young. Scott and I talk about his new book, the art of emulation and more!!! Key...
“Powerful writing is fundamental to successful businesses.” - Carla D. Bass Today's featured award-winning author is highly acclaimed speaker and retired Colonel of the USAF, Carla D. Bass. Carla and I talk about her newly...
“Gratitude is one of the most scientifically proven effective things you can do to lift yourself up and it’s absolutely free.” - Jane Ransom Today's featured author is TEDx speaker and coach Jane Ransom. Jane and I have a fun-filled chat talking...
Angles of Latitude
“You still have to have your feelings hurt with your writing because always people don’t necessarily receive it as you intend it.” - Maurice W. Dorsey Today's featured award-winning author is a retiree from the United States Department of...
Solve people's pain point.
Winning the Game of Life
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Retool Yourself for the 21st Century
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