"Stop believing your feelings and believe your intuition instead." – Joanna Armstrong
“I realized that I'm stronger than I thought I was, more resilient than I believed, and even though life brings me down, I'm still here and still smiling.” – Cathelina Duvert
“I promised myself during that moment when I wasn't really sure if I was going to make it or not. I thought to myself, you know, if I make this out alive, then I have to write a book about it.” – Dr. Momoko Uno
“When you ignore your heart, you get yourself in trouble. If you listen to your heart, it will lead you to where you're supposed to be.” – Susan Glenney
“Spend your days focusing on what's needed, not what's normal.” – Erin Hatzikostas
“If you focus so much in life on just trying to make a living, you wake up and retire and realize you haven't lived at all.” – Cliff Beach
"Trust that you are worthy to be seen." – Dr. Nicole Janz
"People who secure the skills to provide for themselves online will find themselves deeper inside of life than they could’ve been at a desk." – Kayla Ihrig
“People always get impressed by the feat of writing a book, but they don't think about the love of it. Love can make it less daunting.” – Itua Uduebo
“Being forced to talk to other people allowed me to find this other part of myself that I didn't know existed.” – Kirsten Rudberg
"Know thyself and get thyself the hell out of the way." – Louise Mowbray
"I learned that I can literally do anything that I put my mind to, but I can't do everything, and I had to be okay with that." – Chloe Panta
"I started to behave like the person that I needed to become to be my future self, and that was someone of greater confidence." – Emily Jaenson
“Once I was clear on my purpose, my writer's purpose, and what the goal is for this book, everything fell into place.” – Jean Burgess, PhD
“That experience of being an outsider and someone that doesn't fit in is like the key to absolute success and making it in life if you know how to channel it.” – Haleh Rabizadeh Resnick