“Don’t think who wants to read what I’ve got to write. Share your wisdom.” – Pat Duckworth
“God’s got a lot of things moving that I’m playing catch up with.” – April D. Metzler
“My emotional stability can’t be based on mirages of success.” – Jeff Elkins
“Typos are like mushrooms. They grow overnight.” – Olivia Wylie
“Grit is not something that comes easily or that is only for military pilots or big mountain climbers. Grit is innate in every single one of us.” – Shannon Huffman Polson
“The sooner we can learn to embrace change, the better off we’ll be for everything that’s going to happen from here on out.” – Monica Ortega
“Don’t Lip Sync through life.” – Jim Knight
“It’s really hard to do it all yourself.” – W.L. Hawkin
“We are grains of sand on God’s beach acting like we are the ocean.” – Kim B. Miller
“If you want to be part of my readership you have to be prepared that you have no idea what’s coming out next because I have no idea what I’m writing next.” – VK Tritschler
“Transmute your fear into intentional advancement.” – Dom Brightmon
“Life experiences make you a richer writer.” – JP McLean
“Keep calm, always be kind, be happy everyday, and keep eating milk and cookies.” – Lawna Mackie
“Write what you know. Write what you know well.” – Jerry Harwood
“Write as boldly as you can and don’t worry about what people will think.” – Tosca Lee