“Smiling is free and contagious.” – Cindi Cohn
“You don’t have to impact a lot of people to impact a lot of people.” – Merit Kahn
When you teach, you’re often leaning more than your students.
“Let go of things that don’t matter.” – Jim Larsen
“Don’t focus on the mistakes. Focus on moving forward.” – Kelly Bandas
“You can turn any story into a comic and it’s just a stone’s throw away from film.” - Morgan Quaid
“No matter what you are putting out there in the world, just know that somebody needs you to do that and you got to be brave enough to do it.” - Michelle Nedelec
“Love allows people to have opinions that are not yours.” - Kim Sorrelle
“Let your nerd flag fly.” - J. Lynn Else
“It’s those that are willing to play the long game that reaps the biggest reward.” – Isabeau Maxwell
“Make sure your ideas are worthwhile.” – Robin Landa
“Businesses that are inspired and well thought out, those succeed. Businesses that you think about and are just ideas in your head usually fall apart.” – Vickie Helm
“Don’t let people tell you what you can’t do. They’ll tell you what they can’t do or what they think they can’t do.” – Simon Leslie
“Be open to exploring and not overplanning.” - Carrie Carter
“Have the confidence to go after it.” – Karen Cordaway