“Voice is the most valued part of yoga. How you communicate and how you are received and heard as a student, as a teacher, as a divine human being. When your voice has not been heard, how does one open this channel? Yes, chanting for sure. Yet a deeper exploration has to be heard from within, a lon…
“Most people think that mentors don't get anything out of it, but if you've ever given someone a gift that they've unwrapped and they have really loved it, it's exactly what they wanted and needed, the joy that you feel—that's what mentoring feels like.” – Dr. Deborah Heiser
“If you write for 15 minutes a day, you can get out about 250 words. In 200 days, that's 50,000 words. That's a book. So, where were you 200 days ago?” – Sam Bennett
“The stories can either bind us, or we can use them to create magic.” – Judy Koons
“I owed it to people in my family who were phenomenal individuals and to my own sense of pride to finish this book.” – Anya Gillinson
“Mindfulness doesn’t take much time, just that permission and willingness to take some time for yourself and love yourself enough to give yourself your own inspiration.” – Jenny Garufi
“I know books change people's lives, and I know that firsthand because a book changed my life.” – Terry Whalin
“I always say to people who want to be an entrepreneur, go work for someone else first. Learn the ropes from them...and that's how I learned so much from other people, spending 15 years in corporate before I opened my own business.” – Vanessa Judelman
“I just really became inspired to write down my grandfather's story because he went through such a struggle. He came here with nothing and built something for our family, and I thought that was very special.” – Erica D'Arcangelo
“You gotta throw a little spice into whatever it is that you're doing, regardless of whether everybody's got the same idea.” – Dilgilio Rodriguez
“You can't avoid the tough stuff, but there's always a lesson in it.” – Maggie Mills
“If we can trust ourselves and recognize, look back at other circumstances and other opportunities when we have gone through difficult times, we find that we are capable of the things that we want to do.” – Shaheda Daya
“Don’t be afraid to be yourself.” – Carlos Baker
“Life's too serious to take seriously.” – Victor Acquista, M.D.
“When I was using and a drug addict and an alcoholic, I was channeling spirits that I definitely should not have been, mixing with energy that was dangerous and detrimental to me.” – Maria Teresa Pratico