“We are writing the book of our lives every day.” – Theresa Lambert
“Make your dream part of your schedule.” – Kelly Hopkins
“Don’t be so determined to be miserable.” - Elizabeth Power
“Be on top of change. You don’t have time to reinvent everything.” – Bella Englebach
“There’s magic when you develop a rhythm and roll with it.” – Rick Lozano
“You can’t patent nature.” - Dr. Jayne Marquis
“Food can be our greatest form of medicine or our slowest form of poison.” – Risa Groux
“Find out what you really like doing and have the courage to do it.” - Rusty Gailliard
“If you tell a story in the right way, it really has an impact.” – Ira Rosen
“Don’t let fear masquerade as wisdom.” – Angel Aviles
“Have ready access to forgiveness, compassion, and grace.” – Darcy Luoma
“Sometimes you get laid off, but you can also be lifted up.” – Tiana Sanchez
“You don’t suck, you’re just stuck.” – Traci Duez
“Allow your interests to evolve.” – Dr. Ian Brooks
“No two authors out there have the same pathway to being published or successful.” – Kristi Charish