"Detours are not dead ends." – Annie Meehan
“Everything happens for us. We can either choose to become a victim of it, or we can choose to rise up." - Dawn Bates
"Contemplative thought is the key to solving really hard problems, and you cannot rush that." – John Rossman
“Remember how powerful you are and that you really can do anything you decide is important enough and achieve whatever you deem worthy.” – Kate Eckman
“I've learned over the years to accept my imperfections and to just continue going forward.” – Kelly Majdan
“We have this terrible attitude that sacrifices are bad things. No, sacrifices are the things that make things meaningful to you." – August Turak
“After speaking to the teacher…she made me realize that it is possible, just as long as I'm willing to keep honing my craft, taking rejections well, and just keep going.” – Liv Arnold
"There can be many solutions to our financial problems, but most of us try to solve them by working more hours, and it's not an intelligent way of doing it. You have to work smarter, and the way you do it is to use your gift, use your talent." - Ken Honda
"You don't have to make big leaps to build confidence." – Sheena Yap Chan
"Live the best life you can, then give it all away. We're called here to live a life that is more than just our own." - Ahmard Vital
"Even when things are not going right in your life, when they're going totally left and they're hard, it's still important for us to show up well and to be kind to others." - Dr. Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell
“Start doing things and figure out what it is that you want to do that leans into your creativity.” – Rella B.
"Be in the driver's seat when it comes to molding your career." – Venchele Saint Dic
“You have to create an undying, almost unrealistic belief in yourself.” – Eliot Marshall
“There are no limits. If you're still alive, no matter what you’ve been through, God (Source, Creation) has not finished with you yet.” - Melanie Tonia Evans