You must have clarity about what you’re trying to accomplish.
“Grit is not something that comes easily or that is only for military pilots or big mountain climbers. Grit is innate in every single one of us.” – Shannon Huffman Polson
“The sooner we can learn to embrace change, the better off we’ll be for everything that’s going to happen from here on out.” – Monica Ortega
“Don’t Lip Sync through life.” – Jim Knight
“We just can’t stay stuck, we have to ask ourselves, what else can I do and how else can I move forward in life?” – Kelly Falardeau
“Practice fluidity as opposed to rigidity.” – Jordan Gross
“Serve someone today and figure out how that looks like in your community.” – Renee Lopez
“We can’t limit God, but we can limit ourselves and what we will receive from God.” – Pastor Travis Hall
“To have a sense of humor is to be human.” – Art Bell
“When you put a book in someone’s hand, you’re opening up worlds to them.” – Mark Leslie
“Success does not overnight, it happens over time.” – Dr. Eric Holmes
“We often underestimate our capabilities and that’s where confidence comes from.” - Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas
“Difficult times create opportunities.” – Clay Cutts
“I used to get kicked out of school for talking. Now I get brought in and paid to talk in school.” - Thomas R. Williams
“Make sure to keep your eyes open for things that you pray for.” - Alexei Musienko