“If you tell a story in the right way, it really has an impact.” – Ira Rosen
“Getting rid of stuff can help you grow.” – Chris Lovett
“You don’t do inclusion, you create inclusion.” – Annemarie Shrouder
“Don’t let fear masquerade as wisdom.” – Angel Aviles
“Our healing and our ability to move forward is in having the hard conversation.” – Dr. Brad Johnson
“Look at life as your platform.” – Eileen Bild
“Everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to serve me.” – Robert Raymond Riopel
“Have ready access to forgiveness, compassion, and grace.” – Darcy Luoma
“Writing is visualizing.” – Wendy Scheuring
“Sometimes you get laid off, but you can also be lifted up.” – Tiana Sanchez
“You don’t suck, you’re just stuck.” – Traci Duez
“Allow your interests to evolve.” – Dr. Ian Brooks
“Sometimes it’s fine to stay in your lane, but if you gotta get out of your lane, you need someone that’s been in that lane before.” - Rebecca Linney
“We all can make the world a better place by taking calculated risk.” - Vladimir Adonis
“Slow down to the speed of connection.” – David Wood