#InvincibleForeverMore - Nancy Lockhart, Mischelle O’Neal, Paige Davidson, Krystylle Richardson, & Sally Green

“Re-evaluate and question your truth. Don’t fall into the trap of believing the truth other people have told you.” - Mischelle O’Neal
“Re-evaluate and question your truth. Don’t fall into the trap of believing the truth other people have told you.” - Mischelle O’Neal
Today’s 2nd of 5 bonus inspirational author panels for September 2021 features 5 of the authors from the bestselling book, “Invisible No More; Invincible Forever More: Inspiring Stories from Women Who Have Gone From Invisible to Invincible”. We talked about what it means to feel invincible, using setbacks as a stepping stone, and more!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What inspired this book project.
How each author went from invisible to invincible.
A tip for reminding yourself that you’re infinitely loved.
Nancy’s Site: http://www.coachwithkindness.com
Mischelle’s Site: https://MasteringYourMonday.com
Paige’s Site: http://www.thefastingpaige.com
Krystylle’s Site: https://krystyllerichardson.com/
Sally’s Site: https://www.theselfcarerockstar.com/
The opening track is titled “Set Sail” by Sparks Dynamite. To cop the whole track, click the following link. https://planetastroproductions.bandcamp.com/track/set-sail-intro
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