#InspirationNuke – “The Impact of Influence” with Chip Baker, Charles Woods, Chris Holmes, Darius Bradley Sr., & Jeermal Sylvester

“No one knows how many tomorrows remain for any of us.“ – Darius Bradley Sr.
“No one knows how many tomorrows remain for any of us.“ – Darius Bradley Sr.
Today’s bonus inspiration bomb of an episode features 5 (Chip Baker, Charles Woods, Chris Holmes, Darius Bradley Sr., and
Jeermal “Mr. Me Too” Sylvester) of the total 16 authors from the bestselling book, “The Impact Of Influence: Using Your Influence To Create A Life Of Impact”. We talked about the inspiration behind this project, what influence means to them, and tons more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What inspired this project.
What is influence means to them.
What they are doing to make a positive difference in the world.
Who inspired them to make a positive difference in the world.
How to deal with having too much pride.
Why you must still create and share your gift with others. Even if those in your own hometown don’t always acknowledge it.
Chip Baker: https://chip-baker-the-success-chronicles.square.site/
Charles Woods: https://www.instagram.com/ullgrad1911/
Chris Holmes: https://linktr.ee/cholmes__
Darius Bradley Sr.: https://linktr.ee/DariusBradleySrGOGETIT
Jeermal “Mr. Me Too” Sylvester: https://linktr.ee/JSMrMeTooIndy
The opening track is titled "Wind Echo" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/track/wind-echo
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