#GNPYear1 Bonus Episode 3 - "The Truth is Within" with Dee Delaney (@deedelaney01)

“Death teaches you the art of living.” - Dee Delaney To cap off the 1-year anniversary episode trilogy we interview yogi, and lover of coffee, Dee Delaney. Dee & I talk about her struggles with heavy grief after losing 3 life partners in their...
“Death teaches you the art of living.” - Dee Delaney
To cap off the 1-year anniversary episode trilogy we interview yogi, and lover of coffee, Dee Delaney. Dee & I talk about her struggles with heavy grief after losing 3 life partners in their 40's, seeing death in a different way and more.
The opening track is titled "Parepare" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site (https://marcusd.net/track/parepare) and support his craft.
Dee's Website: https://www.deedelaney.co.uk/
Dee's Book(s): https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Journey-Other-Side-Within/dp/1945026421/ref=la_B07CZTFYL1_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1537762858&sr=1-1