Ep. 919 – Spellbound No More with Judy Koons (@JudyKoons)

“The stories can either bind us, or we can use them to create magic.” – Judy Koons
Today’s featured bestselling author is a mom, spiritual leader, motivational speaker, and true health detective, Judy Koons. Judy and I had a fun on a bun chat about her book, “Spellbound No More: An invitation to unmask trauma and live a superordinary life”, the transformative power of breath and energy, fostering inner peace, and tons more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Her journey from chronic illness to being predominantly symptom-free
How stories can either bind us or help us create magic
How breath can help you access inspiration and enhance your creative process
What Judy had to unlearn to uplevel her personal growth
Judy’s Site: https://www.daur.co/
Judy’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DT8PNH6S?ref_=cm_sw_r_ffobk_cp_ud_dp_SGT2W3650VHS64MQNEG9&skipTwisterOG=1&bestFormat=true
The opening track is titled, "Set Sail" by Sparks Dynamite. To listen to and download the full track, click the following link. https://planetastroproductions.bandcamp.com/track/set-sail-intro
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