June 28, 2024

Ep. 856 – The Bestselling Planner Pivot with Dr. Nicole Janz (@drnicolejanz)

Ep. 856 – The Bestselling Planner Pivot with Dr. Nicole Janz (@drnicolejanz)
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Ep. 856 – The Bestselling Planner Pivot with Dr. Nicole Janz (@drnicolejanz)

"Trust that you are worthy to be seen." – Dr. Nicole Janz

"Trust that you are worthy to be seen." – Dr. Nicole Janz

Today’s featured author is a former academic and journalist turned mindset and book coach, Dr. Nicole Janz. Dr. Nicole and I had a chat about her book, “The Write Habit: The #1 Undated Annual Planner and Workbook for Busy Writers to Set Better Goals, Optimise Your Flow, and Write Daily With Ease”, the role that fears and self-doubt plays in hindering writers, her thoughts on AI, and more!!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What prompted Dr. Nicole to leave academia and start a coaching business

The importance of mindset in writing and coaching

What lesson came from one of Dr. Nicole’s clients that enhanced her game as a coach

What setback helped set Dr. Nicole up for more success


Dr. Nicole’s Site: https://nicolejanz.com/

Dr. Nicole’s Book: https://a.co/d/07EwRcAY


The opening track is titled "Heatsource" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. https://marcusd.net/

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