“When you really understand how to program your mind, the amount of being able to just enjoy life is incredible.” – Brandy Gillmore
“When you really understand how to program your mind, the amount of being able to just enjoy life is incredible.” – Brandy Gillmore
Today’s featured award-winning bookcaster is a world-renowned Mind-Body healing expert, TEDx speaker, and Hall of Fame martial artist, Brandy Gillmore. Brandy and I had a chat about her book, “Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body: You Can Be Your Own Cure”, how she applied troubleshooting principles to her healing process, and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Brandy’s transformative journey from being wheelchair-bound to mastering the mind-body connection for healing
The impact that emotions have on our physical health
Her top 3 lessons learned from starting, growing, and running her podcast
Brandy’s Site: https://brandygillmore.com/
Brandy’s Book: https://a.co/d/cRVIyay
Brandy's Podcast, “Heal Yourself. Change Your Life”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/heal-yourself-change-your-life/id1478803461
Brandy’s TEDx Talk: https://youtu.be/5dEbqRYqY_0?si=z7CExU2z8DnY6yX6
The opening track is titled "Kareru R Daichi Q-MIX" by Rukunetsu AKA Project R (@Rukunetsu). Use the following link to hear the full track and support his craft. https://on.soundcloud.com/62w8X
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