April 23, 2024

Ep. 829 – Decoding Your Emotional Appetite with Molly Zemek (@mollyzemek)

Ep. 829 – Decoding Your Emotional Appetite with Molly Zemek (@mollyzemek)
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Ep. 829 – Decoding Your Emotional Appetite with Molly Zemek (@mollyzemek)

" When you're eating for emotional reasons, you're eating because you're escaping how you feel." – Molly Zemek

" When you're eating for emotional reasons, you're eating because you're escaping how you feel." – Molly Zemek

Today’s featured bookcaster is a mom, wife, Le Cordon Bleu trained executive chef, food sommelier, and Master-certified weight loss coach, Molly Zemek. Molly and I had a fun on a bun chat about her new book, “Decoding Your Emotional Appetite: A Food Lover’s Guide to Weight Loss”, her transition from professionally trained chef to life coach, the role that faith plays in her life, and more!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What inspired Molly to write a book

How Molly got away from using food and alcohol as emotional crutches

What lesson from her coaching clients enhanced her game as a coach

3 major lessons learned from starting and running her podcast


Molly’s Site: https://www.mollyzemek.com/

Molly’s Book: https://a.co/d/5LylkWT

Molly’s Podcast, “Weight Loss for Food-Lovers”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/weight-loss-for-food-lovers/id1500464977


The opening track is titled "Kareru R Daichi Q-MIX" by Rukunetsu AKA Project R (@Rukunetsu). Use the following link to hear the full track and support his craft. https://on.soundcloud.com/62w8X

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