April 1, 2024

Ep. 820 – How to Sculpt Your Future Through Flowdreaming with Summer McStravick (@flowdreaming)

Ep. 820 – How to Sculpt Your Future Through Flowdreaming with Summer McStravick (@flowdreaming)
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Ep. 820 – How to Sculpt Your Future Through Flowdreaming with Summer McStravick (@flowdreaming)

"How can it hurt me if I start pouring positive feelings and positive emotion into my life? If I start a practice that acknowledges there's a part of me that's bigger, deeper, wider, and just really wants to blossom." - Summer McStravick

"How can it hurt me if I start pouring positive feelings and positive emotion into my life? If I start a practice that acknowledges there's a part of me that's bigger, deeper, wider, and just really wants to blossom." - Summer McStravick

Today’s featured international award-winning bestselling bookcaster is a speaker, personal growth coach, and publishing veteran, Summer McStravick. Summer and I had a fun on a bun chat about her book, “Stuff Nobody Taught You: 40 Lessons from M.E.School® to Help You Stop Being Miserable and Start Feeling Amazing”, the significance of emotional well-being in the journey of personal growth, and more!!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What is Flowdreaming and how can it help you manifest your desires

How Summer got to work for Hay House

The importance of emotions and how they shape our lives

Her top 3 lessons learned from podcasting


Summer’s Site: https://flowdreaming.com/

Summer’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B001JS6UEM/allbooks

Summer’s Podcast, “Flowdreaming: Still Kinda Woo Woo”: https://inflowradio.com/shows/flowdreaming/


The opening track is titled "Kareru R Daichi Q-MIX" by Rukunetsu AKA Project R (@Rukunetsu). Use the following link to hear the full track and support his craft. https://on.soundcloud.com/62w8X

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