Ep. 785 – The Enjoyment Gap with Mandy Barbee Lanier (@mandyblanier)

“It doesn't have to take a long time. You just have to address the right problem in the right way.” - Mandy Barbee Lanier
“It doesn't have to take a long time. You just have to address the right problem in the right way.” - Mandy Barbee Lanier
Today’s featured author is wife, decorated performance coach, US Air Force veteran, certified clinical hypnotherapist, and the founder of Palladium Mind Inc., Mandy Barbee Lanier. Mandy and I had a fun on a bun hat about her 1st book, “The Enjoyment Gap: Realize Indestructible Happiness & Start Savoring Your Success”, what to expect from her book, the importance of mental health in the workplace, and more!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How Mandy transitioned from the Air Force to transformation coaching
The concept of the enjoyment gap and its impact on happiness and success
How our perceptions of success impact our ability to experience enjoyment in life
Mandy’s Site: https://palladiummind.com/
Mandy’s Book: https://a.co/d/4zqKtwB
The opening track is titled " Heartbreaking Heartbeat - P4 Rmix" by Rukunetsu (AKA Project R). To listen and download the full song, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/heartbreaking-heartbeat-p4
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