April 23, 2023

Ep. 661 – “Inner Medicine” with Kerri Hummingbird (@KerriHummingbrd)

Ep. 661 – “Inner Medicine” with Kerri Hummingbird (@KerriHummingbrd)
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Ep. 661 – “Inner Medicine” with Kerri Hummingbird (@KerriHummingbrd)

Sometimes when things slow down or come to a screeching halt, it’s time to go within.

Sometimes when things slow down or come to a screeching halt, it’s time to go within.

Today's featured award-winning bestselling author is a fellow podcaster, shamanic healer, life catalyst, and warrior goddess facilitator, Kerri Hummingbird. Kerri and I have a fun chat about her new book, “Inner Medicine: Becoming One with Mother Earth for the Survival of Humanity”, her 12-year journey to completing it, and more!!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What skills Kerri has been improving since her 2019 podcast appearance

What makes this book different from her other ones

What are chill skills and how they can help you attain more


Kerri’s Site: https://kerrihummingbird.com/

Kerri’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Kerri-Hummingbird-Sami/author/B00FL0X5VK?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

Kerri’s Podcast, “Soul Nectar Show”: https://soulnectar.show/


The opening track is titled “Check It Out” by Mountaineer from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):


License code: AR6DFPGVXQ9Q1SSY


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