Good writing and respecting the readers’ time are how great authors become great.
Good writing and respecting the readers’ time are how great authors become great.
Today’s featured writer is an instructor and award-winning author of over forty works for kids, teens, and adults, in a variety of genres, Natasha Deen. Natasha and I have a fun chat about her books, how to navigate the genre map when publishing books for a variety of readerships, and more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How she became a writer
The advantages of being an indie writer
What Natasha does for self-care
What to keep in mind when writing books for kids
Her advice for aspiring authors
Natasha’s Site: https://natashadeen.com/
The opening track is titled "Parepare" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site and support his craft by clicking on the following link. https://marcusd.net/track/parepare
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