“Not being yourself but pretending to be someone else kills your self-esteem.” - Steve Friedman
“Not being yourself but pretending to be someone else kills your self-esteem.” - Steve Friedman
Today’s featured award-winning author is keynote speaker and Introvert Advocate, Steve Friedman. Steve and I had a chat about his book, “The Corporate Introvert: How to Lead and Thrive with Confidence”, dealing with the internal battle of not accepting his introversion, and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How he discovered that he was an introvert
How introverts can boost their confidence
The side effects of not being your authentic self
One of the biggest misconceptions about introverts
Steve’s Site: https://www.beyondintroversion.com/
Steve’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Steve-Friedman/e/B00N4O2A52/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk
The opening track is titled "Glorious Fanfare Remix" by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/ff13-2-glorious-fanfare-remix
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