Ep. 548 – “Trusting the Currents” with Lynnda Pollio (@lynndapollio)

“The work you do on the inside of yourself is going to have a profound effect not only on your inner being and your happiness but on your success in the outside world.” – Lynnda Pollio
“The work you do on the inside of yourself is going to have a profound effect not only on your inner being and your happiness but on your success in the outside world.” – Lynnda Pollio
Today’s featured award-winning, bestselling author is Consciousness Doula and former New York advertising executive, Lynnda Pollio. Lynnda and I talked about her visionary novel, “Trusting the Currents”, being open to spirit for advancing your growth, and more!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What inspired her to write her book
What the 6 Human Technologies are and why they can help move us forward
How long it took her to write her 1st book and what it taught her
What consciousness is and why is it important to understand it
Why it’s important to work on yourself.
Lynnda’s Site: https://lynndapollio.com/
Lynnda’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Trusting-Currents-Lynnda-Pollio/dp/0989195325/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
The intro song is titled "Perseverance” from The Triple Se7en Mixtape by Asis Galvin. Be sure to capture this track by clicking this link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/album/triple-se7en
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