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July 17, 2022

Ep. 535 – “The Phoenix Career Principles” with Tony Pisanelli

Ep. 535 – “The Phoenix Career Principles” with Tony Pisanelli

“Don’t just see your career as a job where you’re performing a certain task. See it as an apprenticeship to a higher purpose or as your purpose.” - Tony Pisanelli

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The Going North Podcast

“Don’t just see your career as a job where you’re performing a certain task. See it as an apprenticeship to a higher purpose or as your purpose.” - Tony Pisanelli

Today’s featured bestselling author is speaker and career change coach, Tony Pisanelli. Tony and I chat about his new book, “The Phoenix Career Principles: Rising from Employee Ashes to the Flame of Entrepreneurial Success”, how to go from employee to entrepreneur, and more!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What inspired Tony to become a career coach.

How we can sometimes self-sabotage our careers

Why we need to share our talents after we discover what they are


Tony’s Site:

Tony’s Books:


The opening track is titled, “North Wind and the Sun” by Trevin P. to listen to the full track and download it, click the following link.


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