Ep. 519 – “Jonas and the Mountain” with Janis Harper (@harperjanis1)

Listen to your heart.
Listen to your heart.
Today’s featured author is a singer-songwriter, actor, and former adjunct English professor turned expressive arts therapist, Janis Harper. Janis and I have a fun chat about her book, “Jonas and the Mountain: A Metaphysical Love Story”, how her writing journey started, and more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How she embraced her creativity as a singer and writer at a young age.
The inspiration behind her latest book.
The writing process for this book.
The necessity of play when it comes to creativity
Janis’ Site: https://janisharper.ca/
Janis’ Books: https://www.amazon.com/Janis-Harper/e/B087SR1T6X/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk
The opening track is titled “Strange Sunset Remix” by Project R (AKA Rukunetsu). To listen and download the full track, click/tap the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/morestrangesunsetstrange
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