April 1, 2022

Ep. 488.5 – “Create, Innovate & Dominate” with Tracy Hazzard (@hazzdesign)

Ep. 488.5 – “Create, Innovate & Dominate” with Tracy Hazzard (@hazzdesign)
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Ep. 488.5 – “Create, Innovate & Dominate” with Tracy Hazzard (@hazzdesign)

“If you’re not going for the thing that’s going to bring the most value into the world, then why we’re doing it?” – Tracy Hazzard

“If you’re not going for the thing that’s going to bring the most value into the world, then why we’re doing it?” – Tracy Hazzard


Today’s featured bonus author is a mom, wife, influence strategist, innovation columnist, seasoned media expert, and podcasting queen, Tracy Hazzard. Tracy and I have a fun-filled chat about her entrepreneurial journey, what to do with your ideas, and how unforeseen circumstances can create more success as an entrepreneur.


Key Things You’ll Learn:

What inspired her first book and her plan for future books.

Why you must “proof test” your products and ideas.

3 Ps of going From Idea to Product.

A new way to contribute a chapter to a multi-author book.

What big failure led Tracy to create more success.

How to live in your potential.


Tracy’s Site: https://tracyhazzard.com/

Tracy’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Tracy-Leigh-Hazzard/e/B00VVMJXPO?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000

Podetize: https://podetize.com/


The opening track is titled, “North Wind and the Sun” by Trevin P. to listen to the full track and download it, click the following link. https://compilationsforhumanity.bandcamp.com/track/north-wind-and-the-sun


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