Ep. 485 – “Sisters Pieced Together” with Névine Zariffa

“Your view of your parents changes as soon as you have to go through the motions of life the way they did.” - Névine Zariffa
“Your view of your parents changes as soon as you have to go through the motions of life the way they did.” - Névine Zariffa
Today’s featured author is a highly accomplished thought leader in the fields of biostatistics and data science, Névine Zariffa. Névine and I have a fun chat about her background, lessons learned from being in senior roles at different companies, and more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How it was growing up as an immigrant child from Egypt in Canada.
The 3 Major Career lessons learned from a 25-year career.
What inspired her to become a writer.
What beating Leukemia taught Névine about living.
Névine’s SIte: https://www.nevinezariffa.com/
The opening track is titled “Kirin” by Marcus D. to listen to the full track and purchase the whole album, click the following link. https://marcusd.net/album/kirin
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