“You can’t patent nature.” - Dr. Jayne Marquis
“You can’t patent nature.” - Dr. Jayne Marquis
Today’s featured bestselling bookcaster is mom, wife, Canadian Ballroom dance champion, pilot, trampolinist, and equestrian, Dr. Jayne Marquis. Dr. Jayne and I talk about her first book, “Jayne's INpowered Handbook”, her journey to becoming an Alternative Medicine Professional, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
How Dr. Jayne became a naturopathic doctor and homeopath
A higher source of calcium that folks don’t consider.
Why she published her handbook.
Why trampolining can be healthy for you.
Why healing and self-discovery is an inward journey.
Dr. Jayne’s Book: https://inpoweredhealth.com/books/
Dr. Jayne’s Site: http://www.windwoodclinic.com/
Dr. Jayne’s Podcast, “INpowered Mind-INpowered Health - The Keys to Heart Aligned Living”: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/dom-brightmon-author-of-from-crappy-to-happy-sacred/id1524660255?i=1000526470634
The opening track is titled "Misanthropy" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. http://marcusd.net/track/misanthropy-2
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This podcast is for information purposes only and represents the views and opinions of the speakers. The information presented is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. We recommend you seek the advice of a licensed healthcare practitioner before beginning any natural, complimentary, or conventional treatment.
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