Ep. 426 – “Success Left a Clue” with Robert Raymond Riopel (@RobRox69)

“Everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to serve me.” – Robert Raymond Riopel
“Everything happens for a reason and that reason is there to serve me.” – Robert Raymond Riopel
Today’s featured international bestselling author is entrepreneur, App Designer, and Life Transforming Trainer, Robert Raymond Riopel. Robert and I have a high energy and high impact chat about self-mastery, why you must never stop using your gifts once you find them, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
The 3 things that helped Robert become a better teacher and a multi-million-dollar success trainer.
Why Robert is a snooze button ninja.
Why you must speak your truth.
Why we need to remember the basics of what we do.
How to set yourself up for struggle and depression.
Why the 1st rule of wealth applies to your time.
Why you must use your gift once you’re aware of it.
What it means to “over live your passion.”
Robert’s Site: https://successleftaclue.com/
Robert’s Book: https://robertriopel.com/book1
The opening track is titled “Set Sail” by Sparks Dynamite. To cop the whole track, click the following link. https://planetastroproductions.bandcamp.com/track/set-sail-intro
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