Ep. 410 – “Research Scientist Turned Urban Fantasy Author” with Kristi Charish (@kristicharish)

“No two authors out there have the same pathway to being published or successful.” – Kristi Charish
“No two authors out there have the same pathway to being published or successful.” – Kristi Charish
Today’s featured Canadian science fiction/urban fantasy author is a mom, video game enthusiast, and scientist, Kristi Charish. Kristi and I talk about her writing journey, the advantages of working with a traditional publishing house, and more!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
The benefits of publishing with a traditional publishing house.
What inspired Kristi’s love for writing.
How Kristi’s scientist background helped her in her author journey.
Why persistence pays off more when you have a strategy.
Kristi’s Site: http://www.kristicharish.com/
Kristi’s Books: https://www.amazon.ca/Kristi-Charish/e/B00LMTI34I/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk
The opening track is titled “Another S” by Rukunetsu AKA Project R. The full track can be listened to by clicking the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/anothers-type-r-dbz-hyper
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