Ep. 402 – “The ASK Framework” with Carole Stizza (@relevant4you)

“The richest information is where you ask.” - Carole Stizza
“The richest information is where you ask.” - Carole Stizza
Today’s featured author is a Professionally Certified ICF Executive Coach, a Sr. HR Professional, mom, wife, and stage 3 cancer thriver, Carole Stizza. Carole and I have a fun chat about being a book boomer, surviving multiple life-threatening setbacks, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What motivated Carole to write her book?
The importance of asking.
How to introduce yourself as a parent to your new neighbors. 😉
How surviving cancer changes how Carole lives her life now.
Carole’s greatest “failure” led to her greatest lesson.
How to get back in your zone of genius and instinct.
Carole’s Site: https://relevant-insight.com/
Carole’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Carole-Stizza/e/B096WQFSPQ?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000
The opening track of this episode is titled “Light Wind” by MadXRuler. Click the following link to hear the full track and financially support the artist. https://madxruler.bandcamp.com/track/light-wind
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