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Aug. 14, 2021

Ep. 390 – “When Handsome Hearts Heal” with Nelson Brown (@NelsonEBrown1)

Ep. 390 – “When Handsome Hearts Heal” with Nelson Brown (@NelsonEBrown1)
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The Going North Podcast

“Just because you don’t share everything with everybody does not mean that you’re not doing anything phenomenal behind the scenes.” – Nelson Brown


Today’s featured award-winning author is entrepreneur, activist, and Radio Show Host, Nelson Brown. Nelson comes back for another visit to talk about his upcoming projects, lessons learned from the pandemic, and more!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

What to expect from his next book.

How Nelson used his time during the pandemic.

The 2 things Nelson gained from starting an online radio show.

Why everything doesn’t need to be shared on social media.



Nelson’s Books:

Nelson’s Email:


The opening track is titled “UVERWorld verR” by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To listen and download the whole track, click the following link.


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