Ep. 387 – “How to Demolish Imposter Syndrome & Create an Online Course” with Mark Kumar (@mark2kumar)

“Don’t think like a client, think like a buyer.” – Mark Kumar
“Don’t like a client, think like a buyer.” – Mark Kumar
Today’s featured bookcaster is lifestyle entrepreneur, Mark Kumar. Mark and I talk about how to break through imposter syndrome, how to become a true expert of your craft, and more digital business empire goodness.
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What a lifestyle entrepreneur is.
The fastest way to learn a new skill.
The best time to ask for a video testimonial and the 4 things that make it a great testimonial.
What is the midnight test and why it’s essential to prove your worth as a genuine expert.
Why YouTube Ads can perform better than FB ads.
The 2 Things That Content Creators Should Avoid When Creating Their Course
Mark’s Site: https://markkumar.com/
Mark’s Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7LFay1SxrPrnBs6upWou65
Simple Podcast Cloud: https://simplepodcastcloud.com/
Your 1 Link for Everything: https://sarklink.com/
The opening track is titled, “North Wind and the Sun” by Trevin P. to listen to the full track and download it, click the following link. https://compilationsforhumanity.bandcamp.com/track/north-wind-and-the-sun
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