Ep. 375.5 – “The Art of Human Care for COVID-19” with Dr. Hassan Tetteh (@doctortetteh)

“Things are not going to be normal. There is no new normal there’s just going to be ‘new’.” - Dr. Hassan Tetteh
“There is no new normal there’s just going to be ‘new’.” - Dr. Hassan Tetteh
Today’s featured bestselling author is TEDx speaker, US Navy Captain, humanitarian, physician, Heart and Lung Transplant Surgeon, and educator dedicated to advancing the mind, body, and spirit, Dr. Hassan Tetteh. Dr. Hassan and I talk about his newest book, how he’s been surviving through the pandemic as a medical professional, and tons more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
What to expect from “The Art of Human Care 2.0”
Why you should have an extreme level of gratitude.
The skills that Dr. Tetteh has been gaining and polishing since his last book.
What his research showed him about pandemics and what we should expect after the current one.
Dr. Tetteh’s Site: https://doctortetteh.com/
Dr. Tetteh’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AHassan+A.+Tetteh&s=relevancerank&text=Hassan+A.+Tetteh&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1
The opening track is titled, “Melancholy Hopeful” by Marcus D. Support the artist and cop the track using the following link. http://marcusd.net/track/melancholy-hopeful
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