Ep. 356 – “The Relentless Pursuit of Greatness” with Thomas R. Williams (@MrTRWilliams)

“I used to get kicked out of school for talking. Now I get brought in and paid to talk in school.” - Thomas R. Williams
“I used to get kicked out of school for talking. Now I get brought in and paid to talk in school.” - Thomas R. Williams
Today’s featured author is Professional Speaker, NFL Player Engagement Ambassador, and Philanthropist, Thomas R. Williams. Thomas and I talk about staying focused, living as a bi-racial man in 2021, and more!!!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
The 2 major lessons Thomas learned after his career-ending neck injury.
Why Thomas still has coaches in his life.
What he learned from being an adjunct college professor.
What is the thing that keeps Thomas focused on the main thing.
Why Thomas has been taking a break from social media since 2019.
Thomas’s Site: http://thomasrwilliams.com/
Thomas’s Books: http://thomasrwilliams.com/books/
The opening track is titled, “North Wind and the Sun” by Trevin P. to listen to the full track and download it, click the following link. https://compilationsforhumanity.bandcamp.com/track/north-wind-and-the-sun
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