April 22, 2021

Ep. 347 – “The 30% Solution” with Dr. Lew Bayer (@lewbayer)

Ep. 347 – “The 30% Solution” with Dr. Lew Bayer (@lewbayer)
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Ep. 347 – “The 30% Solution” with Dr. Lew Bayer (@lewbayer)

“If you can’t make people feel valued in your presence and people don’t want to be around you, you are not going to go very far very long.” – Dr. Lew Bayer

“If you can’t make people feel valued in your presence and people don’t want to be around you, you are not going to go very far very long.” – Dr. Lew Bayer


Today’s featured author is Canada's Leading Expert on Civility and Social Intelligence at Work Expert, Dr. Lewena Bayer. Dr. Lew and I talk about civility, why it’s a measurable competency, and more!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:


What civility is and how it can be measured.

What made Dr. Lew decide to become a civility expert.

The 3 things that she wishes that she knew when she started her business 20+ years ago.


Dr. Lew’s Site: https://lewbayer.com/

Dr. Lew’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Lewena-Bayer/e/B01J9QMJWM/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1


The opening track is titled "New Perspective" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. http://marcusd.net/album/secret-bosses-unreleased-retrod-beats


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