March 15, 2021

Ep. 336 – “The Radical Gospel” with Jayson Derowitsch (@JaysonDerowits1)

Ep. 336 – “The Radical Gospel” with Jayson Derowitsch (@JaysonDerowits1)
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Ep. 336 – “The Radical Gospel” with Jayson Derowitsch (@JaysonDerowits1)

“You can go through immense amounts of tragedy and still have joy at the end of the road.” – Rev. Jayson Derowitsch

“You can go through immense amounts of tragedy and still have joy at the end of the road.” – Rev. Jayson Derowitsch


Today’s featured author is a father, husband, and church pastor in Oregon, Rev. Jayson Derowitsch. Jayson and I talk about how he became a Christian, leadership lessons he learned from being a young senior pastor, and tons more!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

How he dedicated his life to Christ at 19.

The importance of thinking ahead before making a vow.

What to do in your waiting season.

The 2 leadership lessons he learned from being a Pastor.

What helped Jayson better communicate with the more seasoned members of his congregation.

How he came to love writing.

Why he had to remove his first book from Amazon after selling a couple of hundred books.



Jayson’s Site:

Jayson’s Books:


Resources Mentioned:

Divorce Is Worse Than Death:


The Jesus You Can't Ignore: What You Must Learn from the Bold Confrontations of Christ:


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