Ep. 335 – “Last of the Gifted” with Marie Powell (@mepowell)

Put yourself out there because people can’t find you and your work if you don’t.
Put yourself out there because people can’t find you and your work if you don’t.
Today’s featured award-winning author is a professional editor, journalist, and photographer with work published in a variety of formats, Marie Powell. Marie and I talk about how she got into writing young adult historical fiction books, sharpening her craft, and tons more!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How castle hopping inspired her “Last of the Gifted” book series.
Why she loves writing children and young adult fantasy novels.
The next multi-genre she might explore for a future book.
Why hesitation slows down your progress as a writer
Marie’s Site: https://mariepowell.ca/
The opening track is titled "New Perspective" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. http://marcusd.net/album/secret-bosses-unreleased-retrod-beats
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