Ep. 312 – “Reader to Dark Fantasy Writer” with Liz Butcher (@lunaloveliz)

“It was worth the nightmares they were great books.” - Liz Butcher
“It was worth the nightmares they were great books.” - Liz Butcher
Today’s featured award-winning author is mom, wife, and a self-confessed nerd with a BA in psychology and an insatiable fascination for learning, Liz Butcher. Liz and I talk about her love for writing dark fantasy, why a good publicist gives you an advantage as a writer, and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What got Liz into writing dark fantasy.
What’s next for Liz after winning an award for one of her books.
Why she loves writing her books the way she does.
Her advice for those who need a push to start writing.
Liz’s Site: https://www.lizbutcher.com.au/
Liz’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00X6XN5O6
The opening track is titled “Beach Daze” by Marcus D. To listen and purchase the full track, click on the following link. https://marcusd.net/track/beach-daze
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