Ep. 310.5 (Host 2 Host Special) – “Everyday Awakening” with Sam Liebowitz (@SamLiebowitz)

“Our true north always feels light and expansive.” - Sam Liebowitz
“Our true north always feels light and expansive.” - Sam Liebowitz
Today’s bonus featured bestselling author is a twenty-seven-year veteran entrepreneur in the human potential and empowerment space and the owner of TalkRadio.NYC, Sam Liebowitz. Sam and I talk about his new book, what you can do to attract more positive people in your life, and more!!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Why Sam became known as the Conscious Consultant.
What led to the publishing of Sam’s first book.
Why we don’t acknowledge our latent inner power.
How to be a magnet for attracting positive.
Why certain messages must be heard multiple times.
What you can do to be a better storyteller.
What makes our words easier for others to receive as a writer.
Sam’s Site: https://theconsciousconsultant.com/
Sam’s Book: https://theconsciousconsultant.com/everyday-awakening/
The opening track is titled “Kirin” by Marcus D. to listen to the full track and purchase the whole album, click the following link. https://marcusd.net/album/kirin
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