Oct. 21, 2020

Ep. 294.5 (Charm City Bonus Episode) – “The Addict in Aisle 7” with Alison Haase

Ep. 294.5 (Charm City Bonus Episode) – “The Addict in Aisle 7” with Alison Haase
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Ep. 294.5 (Charm City Bonus Episode) – “The Addict in Aisle 7” with Alison Haase

“As humans, we’re dying for connection and we’re constantly seeking something outside of ourselves to find it.” – Alison Haase   Today’s bonus featured author is former bodybuilder, entrepreneur, and recovery warrior, Alison Haase....

“As humans, we’re dying for connection and we’re constantly seeking something outside of ourselves to find it.” – Alison Haase


Today’s bonus featured author is former bodybuilder, entrepreneur, and recovery warrior, Alison Haase. Alison and I talk about how she overcame past addictions, her love/hate relationships with horses, bodybuilding, and more!!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

Her bodybuilding background and why she doesn’t do it anymore.

Why sometimes it’s better to do nothing instead of trying to do everything.

Her plans for book #2

How to get over people-pleasing.

How Alison stays sober and motivated.



Alison’s Site: https://www.iseektruths.com/

Alison’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088G2N6KW/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1


The opening track is "Phoenix Rises" by Asis Galvin. Click on the following link to listen to the full track and cop the album. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/phoenix-rises-mvc-3-theme-remix


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