“If you're not thinking about the fifth quarter when your child is at the collegiate level, you're thinking about the wrong thing…You should be thinking about life after sports. How is this decision for us to go to this particular school going to affect my son or daughter once the ball stops bounci…
“One of the things I do take solace in is the fact that my mother passed away when I was 16, so she didn't have to bear witness to me going through…because I think it would have killed her just to see her baby in bracelets fighting for his life.” – Deon Patrick
"If you're that person that you know you want more, you can do more, and you can be more, chase it because when you chase it, you're going to see the opportunities waiting for you." – Robert B. Foster
“Most people think that mentors don't get anything out of it, but if you've ever given someone a gift that they've unwrapped and they have really loved it, it's exactly what they wanted and needed, the joy that you feel—that's what mentoring feels like.” – Dr. Deborah Heiser
“Listen to that voice of intuition and prioritize it like never before.” – Joy Giovanni
“If you write for 15 minutes a day, you can get out about 250 words. In 200 days, that's 50,000 words. That's a book. So, where were you 200 days ago?” – Sam Bennett
“The motivation that gets you started is going to leave. If you're just stuck by the feeling of, ‘Oh man, I want to feel motivated,’ you're not going to finish anything. You have to stay disciplined and committed.” – Craig Stilley
“What you want to achieve is what you should be going for.” – Ken Williams
“If Jesus hadn't saved me that day, I wouldn't be here today, six decades later. He is really the only friend I ever had, the only love I ever knew.” – Andi Buerger, JD
“I know books change people's lives, and I know that firsthand because a book changed my life.” – Terry Whalin
"I saw people in their apocalypse, their version of the apocalypse. They not only survived it, but they did so with hope and with courage, forgiving each other and working together across the lines where they normally would have been at odds." – C.C. Robinson
“You gotta throw a little spice into whatever it is that you're doing, regardless of whether everybody's got the same idea.” – Dilgilio Rodriguez
“Sometimes being right means being alone and realizing the consequences of what it means to be right. I had to stick up for my core values, even if it meant facing consequences.” – John R. Miles
“Even when we're closed-minded, we should never stop being open-hearted.” – Justin Jones-Fosu
“Pursue your dreams. Don’t allow anyone, not even yourself, to take that away from you.” – Dr. Michael D. Finkley